545: Tajín

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:00

Hi I'm Matthew and I'm Molly and this is spilled milk the show where we cook something delicious. Eat it all and you can't have any. Today we are talking about Tajin and this was suggested by a listener Michelle tajin is a if you don't know is a Mexican spice blend that has become very popular. And I don't think I've ever tried it before. Are

Molly 0:24

you serious? Yes.

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:25

Oh my god had things like it, which we'll get into, but I thought you had tried it. Nope. Bought it for the first time. Oh, this

Molly 0:33

is so fun. Yeah, I

Matthew Amster-Burton 0:35

know. I'm really excited to try it. I mean, I think it's definitely the kind of thing I like, okay.

Molly 0:39

Oh, this is really fun. Okay, well, I think the first time I tried it, I didn't really know what it was. I think the first time I had it was maybe like on the rim of a cocktail glass or something. You know, I remember I think the first time that I really understood like the best use I think of toffee and I love it on fruit. Yeah, as do so many people. But I think the first time I encountered that was in Mexico, I think it was it was in Wahaca and there were vendors near the beach, cutting up fruit, the most gorgeous pineapples and mangoes and serving them either with or without Tahitian on them. And I think there is something extra magical about having somebody else cut up the fruit and put tajin on it for you. Okay, well, we can do that for each other. For me. There's always like the sweet spot to hit of like just the right amount of tajin and somehow it feels easier to hit that spot when somebody else does it for me. Okay, good. I asked you to us we'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. There was a day last summer, you know, the crazy heatwave we had in the Pacific Northwest like it the heat dough. Yes. Well, we got together with some friends, our friend Joe, who was doing some work at our house for us. And we were all suffering through the heat together. And we were like, Hey, let's all go to the beach. And so we went to the beach together our families. And Joe is like the kind of person who materializes delicious food like everywhere he goes, Yeah. Like you go for a hike with Joe and it turns out that he's brought like salami and some delicious cheese and a whole baguette and salted butter and an entire watermelon in his backpack. This is not an exaggeration. And he sits down and prepares all this stuff.

Matthew Amster-Burton 2:25

That all sounds great except like bringing an entire watermelon out. I know sounds punishing.

Molly 2:30

No. He brought an entire watermelon and never complained. Okay, and then we all got to enjoy this delicious watermelon. But anyway, he showed up at the beach with a cooler that he had marinated shrimp in two grill over like a like a little smoky or no. Smokey Joe. Yeah, Joe, like a tiny Weber kettle.

Matthew Amster-Burton 2:51

Oh, it did. And he was the inventor of smoke the smoke. Right?

Molly 2:55

That's right for him. And he also showed up with right pineapples, mangoes, and maybe oranges too. Yeah, and then proceeded to sit there on the beach and cut up an entire bowl of this fruit without getting any sand in it and put a hand on it and served us bowls of it. Wow. And I have never felt so cared for

Matthew Amster-Burton 3:14

you should you should have like just put up a sign that says like, you know, spicy fruit cocktail like $8

Molly 3:19

Oh my god, I would have paid that and more. It was delightful.

Matthew Amster-Burton 3:23

So I researched this one despite the fact that I've never tasted it. The The reason like I kind of know that I'm going to like it is because and we've talked about this before I've had something very similar in Thailand where there will be a fruit vendor on the street corner with a with a Plexiglas cart full of tropical fruits. And you always get a little bag of a mixture of chili powder, red chili powder, salt and sugar to sprinkle on maybe a little MSG also, I wouldn't be surprised and so they don't sprinkle it on for you. So they I'm trying to remember I think usually you sprinkle it on yourself but I do seem to remember that sometimes the fruit was already sprinkled, I'm just not sure. Anyway, it's so it was so good. And like really the only difference between that and tajin is that is that tajijn has citric acid and dehydrated lime juice. So it has a tartness to it. Okay, hold

Molly 4:17

on. We gotta crack this open. My mouth is watering. Oh, bring that pineapple. Did you cut it smaller or did you keep it chugging?

Matthew Amster-Burton 4:24

I cut it smaller, but it's still big.

Molly 4:25

Oh my god. Do you remember when you cut up

Matthew Amster-Burton 4:27

watermelon? For me the worst possible way so crazy, like the opposite of Joe like I'll produce a watermelon but then I'll ruin it for you.

Molly 4:37

Okay, well, I'm going to start with this. I was looking for what to do.

Matthew Amster-Burton 4:40

Mm hmm.

Molly 4:43

I think we need more. Oh, I just got a little salt there at the end. We're just gonna be eating. Mm hmm. That time it tasted more like roasty chili. Yeah, I

Matthew Amster-Burton 4:53

get why this is popular.

Molly 4:56

Doesn't it just I just got a really dried Lemon dried lime part doesn't just make you salivate like crazy. Yes. Ah, doesn't this make me want to like, sit around with something really cold to drink? I feel like I'm at the beach. I do the beaches in my mouth, but it's not Sandy. It's amazing.

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:19

Okay, um, yeah, I'm definitely gonna be chewing more during this episode,

Molly 5:22

but tell me more.

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:23

Let's talk about the history. Okay, so fruit with chili powder goes like back before recorded history. Yes. So the reason is we know that dried chilies go back to as it Aztec civilization to at least 5000 BCE. Once a culture has chilies you know, like chilies originated in Mesoamerica.

Molly 5:44

Once a culture has chilies they have got it made

Matthew Amster-Burton 5:47

kind of because they will put them on everything because they taste good with everything. And so I don't think we have like archaeological proof that people were sprinkling chili powder on fruit, but because they had chili powder, you know, they would they could grind it any mortar and pestle. And they had fruit. Why wouldn't you have put them together? Yeah,

Molly 6:09

why not? If people were eating artichokes for God's sakes, they were putting chili on fruit. Yeah.

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:15

Oh, I was gonna mention that. Rather not. It's like, like a Frito Pie. But instead of Fritos.

Molly 6:23

It's pineapple. Dried, dried pineapple. Like Fritos. Minus the crunch. How is this different from like? shichimi togarashi.

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:35

I'm just gonna chew for the rest of the episode. Okay, um, have we talked yet about how I like bit my tongue in a painful way. And then I keep doing it. And like, I think my tongue is gonna hurt forever.

Molly 6:46

This is the worst part of being a human. Like, the whole mouth

Matthew Amster-Burton 6:50

design has to go. We need to we need to like cyborg it up sooner than later. I want I want a metal tongue.

Molly 7:01

Like, also, what's the deal with like, gums? Oh, yeah, they don't work. They don't work very well. They're constantly like receding or getting stuff trapped under them or bleeding. Yes.

Matthew Amster-Burton 7:14

Yeah. And like, they're like, my dentist, like always, always, like, you know, gives me a gum lecture. And like, I don't want to get a lecture.

Molly 7:23

No, no, we what kind of lecture would you want if you had to have one though? Well, I

Matthew Amster-Burton 7:27

mean, like, I would enjoy like a like a physics lecture, or maybe like a lecture on different types of chilies. Oh, you asked about shichimi Tober. So anyway, I'm loving everything about this except that it's irritating the place where I bit my tongue and like, what if this nightmare never ends? So shichimi togarashi. Like, I think they are very similar products in that they are both chili powders that are intended for like as a sprinkle before serving. They both have like a tart kind of citrusy element to them because she took it off. She usually has like a little dried citrus peel, and Tajin has citric acid and dried lime juice. The main difference is that shichimi togarashi has like a bunch of other spices in it which tajin doesn't

Molly 8:10

correct? I said that, like you had just answered the question.

Matthew Amster-Burton 8:15

Pass the pop quiz.

Molly 8:18

So when was this like when did this particular product come on the market? I'm sure that there have been many versions of tequila and I mean, you could approximate this with dried chilies, salt, lime juice.

Matthew Amster-Burton 8:31

Yeah, so it wasn't it's not clear to me whether this was like, you know, successful branding of a of an existing product or a new product idea. Like it can't be that new because people were already doing it like in one way or another certainly in Mexico, but impress us. Tahi in brand was founded in 1985 in Sapa upon Jalisco, Mexico by hurrah co Fernandez and the signature product and like what one thing I like about tajin is that the whole product line is very small. There's the original which is what we have here. There's an Auburn arrow spice here one which I would have gotten if I had seen but I didn't. There's a low sodium version. And then there are a couple of like Taco sauces made with kind of the same spice blend.

Molly 9:15

I don't usually love low sodium versions of things but tajin is quite salty. Yeah, I I'm sure it would be good. I could see myself trying the low

Matthew Amster-Burton 9:22

sodium version. And the signature product started out as a sauce made by Fernandez his grandmother, but he wanted to turn it into a sprinkle or as Wikipedia would have it when I went down a real rabbit hole, a food powder. Ooh, a food powder or powdery food. So yes, so Oh, spoiler alert. So I went on to the Wikipedia page for food powder and I just want to read the first sentence here. Food powder or powdery food is the most common format of dried solid food material that meets specific quality standards such as moisture content, particle size and particular morphology.

Molly 9:56

Wow, what does that mean?

Matthew Amster-Burton 9:58

I do not know I think it means, like, food powder is a powdery food substance. And it meets quality standards. Yes. And tajin. Woman? Yes. Common specific weight. What were the most common format? Yes. Yeah. What are your three most favorite formats of dried food material?

Molly 10:19

Oh, you know, it's not one of my favorites, but it is common for me is to encounter the powdery bit that's left at the bottom of a cereal bag. You know that that's a food powder. Yeah, briefly, when I wasn't sprinkle it on my fruit though,

Matthew Amster-Burton 10:34

when I when I pour the last bowl of cereal and it's got a bunch of powder in it. I like have this thought process where I'm like, I don't really want that powder in my bowl. But also I'm too lazy to try and like centrifuge out the powder in any way. So I'm just gonna pour the milk and deal with it. Even though I have

Molly 10:49

turned into sludge. I have been known to pour it all into the bowl, then use my hands to extract the whole cereal bits, put them back in the bag, dump out the powder and then put the cereal back in the bowl.

Matthew Amster-Burton 11:02

That's kind of the process that I imagine and then just can't bring myself to do in the morning. Yeah, yeah, it's involved. So tahina is named for Elta he in the world heritage site, and Fernandez got the idea Well, visiting the heritage site, and it arrived on the US market in 1993. Which I think is later than I would have guessed that is later than I would have guessed and has been popular ever since but like kind of hit a peak of popularity in this decade. I think. I bet

Molly 11:28

it was a real cult item for people to bring back from trips to Mexico absorbs available here. In the summertime. There are always families at the beach, you know, whether Mexican or other Latin American families putting this on mangoes and I remember as a kid, Jun was always noticing when somebody was eating a mango or Oh yeah, she wanted and a family at Green like once gave her like, you know, a whole like lobe of mango, that they thankfully did not put time for her. But I think it's time she tried Thai I think I

Matthew Amster-Burton 12:02

think so. Yeah, no, I definitely that age like teenager teenager the show December. I just said it too spicy.

Molly 12:08

It's so it's almost unbelievably tangy.

Matthew Amster-Burton 12:12

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's really not spicy at all. No,

Molly 12:15

it is so tangy. It's making my mouth explode.

Matthew Amster-Burton 12:18

Ya know? And that's because like, I think the the dried lime juice gives it a little flavor but really likes Yeah. Citric acid powder. Like, have you ever Speaking of food powder? Like have you ever like collected the citric acid powder from the bottom of a bag of sour patch kids and just kind of mainlined it?

Molly 12:34

I haven't but I used to suck on Sour Patch Kids. Now I just chew them. But I used to suck on them when they first came out and as everyone knows, that is a surefire way to tongue injury. How do you eat sour patch kids? And has it changed over time?

Matthew Amster-Burton 12:50

I think I've also gone from suck to chew like you.

Molly 12:52

Yeah, yeah.

Matthew Amster-Burton 12:55

That's interesting. I hadn't really thought about that. But yeah, like I guess that's how you know you'd become an adult. Yeah, because when you chew a sour patch when you stop sucking Yeah, it's you know, you know, you're a real grown up when you carry a big bag of sour patch kids around with you.

Molly 13:10

Oh, that's how I got I became a grownup a long time ago.

Matthew Amster-Burton 13:13

Oh wait, when did you like because I think I think I kind of went from suck to chew like within the last 10 years maybe

Molly 13:19

Oh no, no, no,

Matthew Amster-Burton 13:21

I went from suck to chew easily 20 years ago and like I think like my favorite Sour Patch Kids are the watermelon slices I think I do still sometimes like suck all that sour powder off and then and then you got like a smooth watermelon slice and then chew it Yeah, I should get some of those every now

Molly 13:37

and then I will get the sour watermelon slices but I get tired of them very quickly. So I prefer like a general extreme Sour Patch Kid general extreme. Sergeant extreme?

Matthew Amster-Burton 13:52

No, I think I think General extreme like was teased in a in a post credit scene secret scene in the latest Marvel movie. Okay

Molly 14:09

other than putting tahina on fruit, what do you think you would do with tajin and and what do other people do with tajin that you were able to find out on the internet so definitely

Matthew Amster-Burton 14:17

it can be used to make Mexican street corn Yes. And I like I've made Mexican street corn a bunch of times I usually kind of make it from scratch but like you know, just taking some corn and putting some like butter or mayo on it and sprinkling tajin on it and maybe a little cheese. Like I think I think that would be fantastic. Popcorn. Yes, I like I am usually skeptical when someone says like, you've got to try this food powder on popcorn. I'm going to try this because like now I've got this whole bottle and I know it's gonna be good.

Molly 14:48

I'm very curious though about the citric acid on popcorn.

Matthew Amster-Burton 14:52

Like we get pop some corn now. It would take like 12 minutes.

Molly 14:57

That's a long time. Yeah. Okay. Oh, Ah, all right, what else?

Matthew Amster-Burton 15:01

Meteor Ladas. So yes, me too loud is like a beer Beer and tomato juice cocktail. Usually. I'm in Austin, Texas. And let's like spicy. I don't think I've ever had one. I feel like I need to try it in the right context. And Austin, Texas seems like the right place to do it.

Molly 15:18

God, I really wish that we had somebody on the show who knew more about me geladas because I they're so they always come with a straw that's like, coated in some sort of like chili paste, right? And like, yeah,

Matthew Amster-Burton 15:35

maybe maybe we should do a show. But like, I feel like I don't want somebody who knows what I'm

Molly 15:40

talking about. And hey, call us. Let's do that. But that was a different episode.

Matthew Amster-Burton 15:47

Yeah, yeah. No, called call into our new callin segment, which is called call us. Let us know we're not releasing the number you just have to know.

Molly 15:56

Yeah. Are you an expert in meetcha? That is did I say that? Right.

Matthew Amster-Burton 16:01

I think I think you did. Yeah, I kind of want to try it like in a dive bar type of scenario. Next corporate retreat. Austin, Texas. Okay. I've been I was just, I was just talking about Austin, Texas this morning. Really? Well. I mean, first of all, I think about it all the time because of the movie disclosure.

Molly 16:18

You wait, that's I don't even I cannot keep straight which movie is which that we do, of course, for Dire desires. They all run together. Okay. So I mean, first of all, my closure was that Demi Moore and Michael Douglas.

Matthew Amster-Burton 16:32

That was yeah, like definitely, like the least sexy of, I don't know, nine and a half weeks was extremely unsexy in its own way, because it was just upsetting,

Molly 16:40

but called the disclosure had like rapey elements.

Matthew Amster-Burton 16:43

Yeah, and I mean, it's a terrible movie and like not even in a fun way for the most part. But the thing that I did like about it so much, and like we will never forget is that Michael Douglas Douglas is like a successful software guy in Seattle. And Demi Moore is trying to ruin him. So she can take over the company and the biggest threat that she levied against his him and his family is that they might be transferred to Austin and his wife keep saying Austin, as if as if like they like they're being said literally to hell. It was so fun. I love that this anyway, I've never been to Austin, I would really like to go it's they've I know they have breakfast tacos and they have barbecue and I'm sure they have meat a lot as it and music and I see they got stuff that I would enjoy.

Molly 17:36

Okay, great. Okay, what else could we put tacking on we could put it on cocktail rims.

Matthew Amster-Burton 17:42

I saw someone suggest that you should sprinkle it on plain potato chips. And I was gonna get some plain Lay's potato chips but unfortunately I went to I went to the Korean supermarket and they did not have any like plain American style potato chips. But now I've got this bottle of tajin. So I guess maybe we'll report out a future segment.

Molly 18:00

You know, I wonder if he would want to buy like a lot of salted potato

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:05

chips. Yeah. Which is good point because Lay's plain are very salty. Yeah,

Molly 18:09

yeah. I think that I would be inclined to try this on an unsalted or low potato chip because otherwise I think I think your face might explode. Yeah, I

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:19

think you're right. Wow,

Molly 18:20

this was fun and delicious. And yeah, we

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:23

breezed through this very summer appropriate. This is this is like a you know 20 2011 length of duration of spell Belk episode.

Molly 18:32

Oh, how long is it going to be?

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:34

Like 22 minutes.

Molly 18:36

I love that this bottle says it's not a candy. Interesting. No. Gluten free. No artificial colors or flavors added. This is not a candy.

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:45

Now, that raises an interesting question. Which is if you had one of those liquor made sticks, and you liked it and stuck it into here, that would be good. Right? Yeah, that's the question.

Molly 18:55

That's the question. Yes.

Matthew Amster-Burton 18:58

You know, you know what, I think I think they could like expand to like different chilies. I think that would be pretty cool. Like, because I know they do have an oven era version. But there's like lots of dried chilies with different flavor profiles. And it might be like, you know, like a picea chili as very light kind of like dark chocolatey kind of flavor, which I think could be really good.

Molly 19:18

Maybe you can call the company

Matthew Amster-Burton 19:20

maybe, maybe maybe they have a call in segment also we just talking

Molly 19:23

about how nice it is that they have such like a trim streamlined product line. Yeah,

Matthew Amster-Burton 19:28

but I want to ruin that for the Oh, perfect. They're definitely going to take my suggestion. Oh,

Molly 19:35

they are they are looking for a suggestion from a middle aged white guy in Seattle. Like I mean that in a loving way.

Matthew Amster-Burton 19:44

There's still places that have like a suggestion box, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I want to like I don't want our show to have a suggestion box because I'm worried people would say things that weren't nice and I would be sad but like I kind of like every time I see a suggestion box I want to like break into it and see what's going Add on in there it would be like how they would put like customer customer comments up on the on the bulletin board in the back of the 65th Street Whole Foods and I used to love reading them.

Molly 20:11

I think I once put a customer request up on that bulletin board. I think I requested some kind of yogurt or something. seems right.

Matthew Amster-Burton 20:19

Did they get it?

Molly 20:20

They did get it. It took a while. I think I requested it multiple times.

Matthew Amster-Burton 20:24

When I when they first opened. Now it was after they did like a revamp of the deli at the now defunct QFC on 15th. They they like brought in some new a bunch of more boars head products. I was like I wish they had pancetta at this store. And like I drove the deli people nuts asking for pet chat all the time. And they did eventually get it. Wow, look, but like I didn't I didn't feel good about Now many times they asked for it.

Molly 20:51

And would you go up and ask for it like like cluelessly like, Hey, do you have any pancetta. Hey, do you have any?

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:00

Like, call and talk to a manager?

Molly 21:01

Wow. Oh. Wow, Matthew, You are that guy?

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:08

Yes. Yeah, I would say like, Hi, I'm that guy. I live down the street and I'm entitled.

Molly 21:13

Wow, I need my pen. chata oh my gosh, I think listeners would expect this of me but not you. And I

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:19

think they like after they indicated to me that they would get it like then I kept I kept bugging them like but when are you gonna

Molly 21:26

get did you feel obligated to then like buy it every time you went in? No. Wow. But I mean, I think I think I would feel like I was being watched. I think that,

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:36

ya know, probably like, as soon as I my face appears on the closed circuit cameras. There's pancreatic guy. Yeah. Yeah. Like, what would they be watching for me to do?

Molly 21:45

What to buy the picture? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, when I worked in a grocery store, there were definitely people I was looking out for, you know, who I like I knew they always bought certain things

Matthew Amster-Burton 21:55

like, like problematic people, or just No, no, not

Molly 21:59

problematic people. There was a guy so I worked behind the prepared foods counter and we had like rotisserie chickens and like hot food, but there wasn't a hot bar that you could just serve yourself from. So people would come and get like, you know, roasted chicken thigh or something and rice and vegetables. And there would be people who would get the exact same thing every night. And so we would you know, they come to be known by us as those people. There's Johnny chicken salad, Johnny chicken salad. Or Robin Wright pen who wants her her Mediterranean chicken salad only scooped from a certain part of the bowl. Or you mentioned this before, right? Yeah, okay. Oh, she's not Robin right pin anymore. This is Robin right. I'm sorry about that. Everybody. Robin right.

Matthew Amster-Burton 22:42

But still the people's princess? Yes. Did we did we say enough about taking? Because I think we said very little?

Molly 22:49

Well, I think we said that we love tacky?

Matthew Amster-Burton 22:52

I mean, it's kind of it's kind of a simple product. It's just like a tasty sprinkle.

Molly 22:57

I can't imagine anyone who doesn't agree with us in our love of talking.

Matthew Amster-Burton 23:02

Well, I mean, like, I don't know, not everyone has to like the same things. But in this case, they they do they do.

Molly 23:07

Okay, great. Okay, Matthew, is it time for segments,

Matthew Amster-Burton 23:11

it is time for segments. Let's move on to now but wow.

Molly 23:21

It's my week this week, and this week, I'm talking about something that's also mildly spicy. Okay. So this is a book called last night at the telegraph club by Melinda Lowe. It actually came out a while ago, it came out in early 2021. Okay, and I think I first learned about Matthew, because we share a literary agent with the author. Oh, so our agent also represents Melinda Lowe and Melinda Lowe has gone much further with her work than we have Matthew, she won a National Book Award for this book. Last night at the telegraph club. It is a YA novel. It's a historical novel, about a 17 year old Chinese American girl named Lily who, growing up in Chinatown in San Francisco in the 1950s. So this was at you know, the beginning of McCarthyism, all of these scares about communists in our midst. And, obviously a tremendous amount of harassment of the Chinese American population in in San Francisco and elsewhere. So Lily is discovering in the midst of all of this political turmoil that she is a lesbian. And of course, America in 1954 was not a safe place for two girls to fall in love, regardless of their background or where they lived. Lily winds up you know, having to negotiate both or you know, figure out how to be who she is in the midst of a really difficult time for her family and a lot of other people and it's super fun. It's sexier than you would think. Okay, like right off the bat, like, you can tell that Lily is like really waking up sexually because pretty much in like every chapter, she is like noticing something. And so it's really fun. This tension that builds as both you and Lily are kind of figuring out who she is. And there's also a lot of great historical stuff not just about San Francisco's Chinatown, and what it might have been like to be a Chinese American in the 1950s, but also really great queer historical stuff, like kind of almost like a primmer on like Butch, Butch and femme culture. Okay, which now I think a lot of young queer people don't know much about. But it's, it's in there and, and Melinda Lowe does a great job to at the back of the book of explaining some of the historical parts of it. So giving some context anyway, it's fantastic. It is so fun to read. It is sexy, in like just the right amount for a YA novel. Okay, and it's great.

Matthew Amster-Burton 26:06

This is so interesting to me because first of all now I definitely want to read this now I haven't read the book. I think you stole our copy. I didn't steal it your wife gave it but there's so much overlap between the this book and the legend of anti Po by Shingon core that I recommended a co revealed episodes ago. Yeah, like, the main character in both is a is a queer Chinese American Girl. And, like, it's different, different historical periods, but both setting California I think and like, you know, treating definitely many of the same issues. So I'm really excited to like read this comparatively and for itself.

Molly 26:46

Well, I have to admit that so I'm one of those people who like I'm usually very disciplined about like not reading ahead in a book. But I was so ahead of what well like reading ahead like looking for sex scenes or you know how some people will start by reading the last page do people really do think there are some people out there who do it? I think my spouse does it okay times. I can't believe it, but I think they do. I was so enjoying like the little like build up as Lily is realizing things about what turns her on. I totally skipped ahead and found the sexy Yes, fun. Okay,

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:23

I Do I Do I Do you enjoy that? Yeah. Okay. Our producer is Abby, sir. Catella.

Molly 27:27

And you can rate and review us wherever you get your podcasts,

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:30

and you can find other spilled milk listeners. There, they might find you. Look out reddit.com/are/everything Spilled Milk is just a nice place to talk to other people about the show.

Molly 27:43

And well, thanks to wife for the show, Laurie for passing on her copy of last night at the telegraph club.

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:51

Yeah, that's fine. I'll get the ebook anyway.

Molly 27:53

No, no, it's cool. I'll pass it back to you. When I'm done. I'm blazing through it. Okay.

Matthew Amster-Burton 27:57

And until next time, thank you for listening to spilled milk.

Molly 28:00

We're source sprinkling spicy stuff on where they're sprinkling citric acid in your ear balls

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:10

in your ear balls. What are your balls? Do I have them?

Molly 28:16

Trying to think of something.

Matthew Amster-Burton 28:21

I recently tried to puzzle this out recently, it's great playing the game catchphrase. If you've played catchphrase with us, right? Maybe a long time ago. It's like it's a game that beeps a lot where you try like get someone your teammate to like, say a thing, but you can't say the thing. Anyway, like the thing that I was supposed to get someone to say was ear love. And I was just like, you know, this thing. This thing, just like pointed out your love and like the word ear lobe just like flew out of their brain. And they were like, Oh, no.

Molly 28:58

here on planet earth without a word.

Matthew Amster-Burton 29:00

Yeah, this thing. Like I carry these things around all the time. And suddenly I have no idea what they're called. And as soon as this game is over, I'll remember but for now, you're out of luck, buddy. I'm Matthew Amster-Burton. And

Molly 29:11

I'm Molly Weissenberg. Oops, I burped.